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Descripción del trabajo :
CITCEA – UPC is a research center that primarily focuses on electrical engineering, collaborating with various organizations. Professionalism, empathy, and sustainability are core values guiding our activities. To learn more about us, you can watch the following video : Video.
We are focused on multiple projects including research European and National projects and technology transfer project to industry. We work with multiple leading system operators, developers and technology manufacturers worldwide.
Currently, at CITCEA-UPC, we are looking for new colleagues to work on research and development projects related to modern power systems with high penetration of renewables and power electronics.
We are looking for candidates matching one of the following profiles :
* Recently graduated students (at Master level) willing to conduct a doctorate in the context of an applied project.
* Engineers with a Master degree (or equivalent level) having some experience in industry or research and willing to work in applied research projects (with the optional possibility to develop a doctorate).
* Doctors willing to conduct postdoctoral research in the context of an applied project.
For all the three profiles, the candidates would develop new research content and would also participate in the practical application of the research.
The researchers would work in national and European projects in close relationship to other research organizations and industrial partners in a collaborative relationship.
The researchers will be employed by CITCEA-UPC and the work will be conducted in CITCEA-UPC, ETSEIB in Barcelona.
General skills and motivations :
* Research capability.
* Modeling, analytic and mathematical skills.
* Knowledge and motivation for power electronics, power systems and renewable energy systems.
* Motivation for the study of grids with high penetration of power electronics.
* Knowledge of software packages for the analysis of electrical power systems including power electronics: Matlab Simulink, PSCAD or equivalent.
* Communication skills in English.
We offer a full-funded position in a cooperative research environment. The position includes multiple benefits as UPC employee. The working language will be English.
Interested candidates can apply including their CV, motivation letter and reference letters before next November 1st 2024.
Contact : (emailprotected), (emailprotected), (emailprotected), (emailprotected)
At CITCEA - UPC, we are a comprehensive institution that is deeply devoted to celebrating the global spectrum of diversity. Our primary focus is on ensuring equitable prospects and fostering empowerment for individuals, irrespective of their ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or self-expression.
Specific topics of work :
Topic A. Optimization of planning and operation for modern power systems
Modern power systems are characterized by a high penetration of renewables and power electronics. HVDC converters are a key component for modern system enhancing the interconnection between different areas and renewable hubs. The project is focused on analyzing the overall power flows and develop tools for optimal planning and operation of hybrid AC-DC power systems.
The tasks will include :
* Modeling of hybrid AC-DC power systems.
* Development of optimization tools for planning and operation of hybrid AC-DC grids.
* Analysis of results and application to relevant realistic use cases.
The tools that the researchers will use are expected to be :
* Optimization algorithms.
* Usage (when needed) of AI tools.
* Priority on use of open source tools.
Knowledge in the following areas is valuable :
* Power systems analysis and modeling.
* Optimization analysis.
* AI tools.
Topic B. Power electronics modelling and design
Modern power systems, including AC and DC networks are motivating the development of new converter topologies, including DC-DC converters, multiport converters, power flow converters and new types of AC-DC converters. In several projects, CITCEA-UPC is focused on design, control, implementation and testing of new converter topologies.
This work will be focused on the analysis and simulation high-voltage converters and also on the design of scaled power converters (to allow testing in the lab in low voltage). The tasks will include :
* Definition of converter topologies (and comparison to existing one).
* Examination of the proposed topologies.
* Control design and analysis of the converter in different conditions.
* Dynamic simulation validation.
* Converter construction, test and validation in the lab.
The tools that the researchers will use are expected to be :
* Power electronics design and converter prototypes.
* Real time simulation equipment.
* Matlab Simulink, PLECS, PSCAD.
Knowledge in the following areas is valuable :
* Power electronics.
* Circuit analysis.
* Converter modeling.
* Converter control.
* Control design.
Topic C. Stability analysis tools for modern power systems
Power systems are experiencing an increase of power electronics mainly due to the integration of renewable generation, HVDC systems and FACTS devices. Such scenario has raised challenges on the grid studies and in particular the stability evaluation and understanding of new phenomena related to power electronics dynamics. Small-signal analysis is a powerful approach that has been traditionally used for low frequency electromechanical interactions, but with the increase of power electronics, electromagnetic interactions at higher frequencies must be addressed. Power electronics manufacturers and grid operators are reluctant to share model details due to intellectual property issues, which increases complexity to understand new instability phenomena. As a result, mainly black-box models are considered for grid studies.
This work is focused in the analysis of new stability issues in power systems with high penetration of power electronics and develop small-signal analysis tools to consider black-box models. In particular, the following sub-topics will be covered :
* Frequency-scan methods for black-box models.
* System identification of black-box models.
* Stability analysis with frequency-domain and modal analysis approaches.
* Grid forming / following controls will be considered.
The tools that the researchers will use are expected to be :
* Matlab Simulink and potentially PSCAD or PowerFactory, for time-domain simulations.
* Python, for developing small-signal analysis tools.
* Converter prototypes and real time simulators, for final validations of results.
Knowledge in the following areas is valuable :
* Converter operation.
* Power system analysis.
* Control design.
* System analysis.
Topic D. DC cable transient modelling, fault location and condition monitoring
The project aims to explore new methods for monitoring the health of offshore dynamic power cables during live operation. The project will develop a comprehensive understanding of failure mechanisms and insulation degradation and how these failures can be discovered using electrical measurements. The research will also create a laboratory setup to validate the new techniques in the context of renewable offshore generation.
The following sub-topics will be covered :
* Revision of cable transient modelling.
* Analysis of condition monitoring of AC and DC cables.
* Fault location of AC and DC cables.
* Analysis of cables connected to power converters.
* Prototype construction, test and validation in the lab.
Knowledge in the following areas is valuable :
* Cable transients.
* Travelling wave phenomena.
* Transient modelling and simulation (PSCAD, EMTP-RV or similar).
* Converter operation.
You can apply at the following link : Application Link.