Call for Proposals for the Recruitment of Doctoral Research Staff
The training and progressive incorporation into the University staff of personnel fully dedicated to research activity is an essential condition for the development of the scientific, technical and humanistic research capacities of our University.
With this call, UCAM aims to strengthen its research activity by hiring researchers with international projection, high scientific and technical productivity, leadership and proactivity. The objectives of these contracts also include facilitating the establishment of contacts with researchers from relevant centres outside Spain, attracting research funds in national and international competitive calls of high prestige, increasing scientific production in high impact journals, as well as promoting technology transfer and cooperation with companies and the generation of patents with potential industrial application.
FIRST.-Object of the call
The purpose of the call is to regulate the bases for the recruitment of doctoral researchers who enhance the research activity of the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM). A total of 2 doctoral researcher contract positions are offered, which will be selected on a competitive basis and under the principles of equality, merit and ability.
The contracted researcher must propose the implementation of new lines of research and the development of original projects with strong innovative potential.
It must have the capacity to establish synergies with well-established and scientifically productive lines of research at UCAM, as well as to promote relations with other research groups at international level and participation in national and European projects, or collaboration with companies at both national and international level.
SECOND. –Areas of interest
Candidates should propose the creation of novel lines of research in the areas of:
* Economics and Business
* Health Sciences
* Biotechnology
* Bioinformatics
* Pharmacy
* Sport
* Food
* Informatics
* Law
* Education
THIRD. – Application Centre
The contracted researchers will carry out their activity in any of the UCAM centres.
Only doctors who, on the closing date of the call for applications, meet the following requirements may apply for these positions:
* Demonstrate high quality research activity, consistent with the areas of knowledge described in the second base.
* Have obtained the title of Doctor in the last 10 years.
* Have participated in 2 research projects funded by national or international competitive calls.
* Have at least 2 years of postdoctoral research experience outside Spain.
* Have published 10 JCR indexed articles, 5 of which must be Q1.
FIFTH.- Characteristics of contracts
* Duration
Contracts will be of indefinite duration from the date of incorporation, with a probationary period of one year. However, they shall be evaluated in successive annual periods to ensure scientific performance. A voluntary and unjustified decrease in performance shall be considered as grounds for termination of the contract.
* Remuneration
The salary of contracted researchers shall be that established in the figure of Researcher in the XIV Collective Agreement for University Education and Research Centres, which in 2024 amounts to €27,997.05 gross per year.
* Dedication and incompatibilities
The dedication will be exclusive, with a weekly working week of 37.5 hours for research tasks. However, the beneficiaries of this type of contract may participate in teaching tasks up to a maximum of 100 hours per academic year.
The contracts will be incompatible with the validity of any other employment contract by the contracted research personnel and with the receipt of any amount of a salaried nature, as well as with the receipt of other grants with a similar purpose.
SIX.- Application
* Submission of applications
Interested applicants should submit, in English or Spanish, at the web address via the SCIENTIA Application portal.
* Certified personal academic transcript, showing the weighted average mark of the transcript and a copy of the doctoral degree.
* Summary of scientific production indicators:
* Number of articles in JCR-indexed journals (Q1)
* Number of articles in journals indexed in JCR (Q2)
* Number of articles in journals indexed in JCR (Q3 and Q4)
* Number of articles in journals indexed in other databases
* Number of books published
* Number of book chapters published
* Number of theses supervised
* Number of months in international stays
* Number of months in national stays
* Number of competitive R&D&I projects in which he/she has been a PI
* Number of competitive R&D&I projects in which it has taken part
* Number of R&D&I contracts with companies in which you have been a PI
* Number of R&D&I contracts with companies in which it has taken part
* Number of patents applied for and granted
* Up-to-date curriculum vitae. In the section on publications, for each of the publications included, the aspects that are considered most important for evaluating their quality should be indicated.
* Description of the line of research proposed to be developed at UCAM in which the researcher shows competence.
* Scientific-technical report on the research project to be carried out in the field of the proposed line of research and the work plan to be followed by the contracted person during the first 3 years.
In the event that the technical means necessary for the use of the Electronic Register are not available, the application and additional documentation, as well as any other incident, will be accepted if sent to the e-mail address
b) Deadlines for applications
The call will remain openuntil 14 February 2025 and will be resolved during the month of April 2025.
SEVENTH.- Evaluation and selection procedure
Applications will first be assessed by a Technical Commission which will consider:
* The candidate's scientific CV
* Productivity of the research line and quality of the research project.
* Stays in research centres other than the one where the doctoral thesis is being carried out.
* Suitability to the strategic interests of the University.
* Personal interview with HR
The Technical Commission shall be composed of:
* Vice-Rector for Research
* Director of Research and Transfer
* Research Support Plan Technician
The Technical Commission will pre-select the candidates that meet the conditions of the call and will propose them to the Selection Committee, which will select the researchers to be recruited.
This call may be declared void if no applicant meets the required standards.
NINTH.- Rights and obligations of contractors
Successful candidates must accept the terms of the contract no later than 1 month after notification. Acceptance of the contract implies acceptance of the rules of this call.
In addition, they shall have the following rights:
* To obtain from UCAM the collaboration and support necessary for the normal development of its research activity.
* Participate in the calls for proposals of the UCAM's own research plan.
* Exercise the intellectual property rights derived from their own training activity in research and in accordance with their contribution.
And as duties:
* To join the corresponding department on the date that will be communicated by the Vice-Rectorate for Research.
* Accept and comply with the rules of the Centre, remaining at the Centre and carrying out the established work plan to the best of your ability.
* In the event of receiving, at the time of recruitment, salaries or wages from public or private bodies or companies, or incompatible grants or subsidies, you must present your resignation.
* Participate in the supervision of doctoral theses at EIDUCAM.
* Submit an annual report of the activity containing all the work carried out and its results. If the results have been the subject of publications, reprints or copies must be attached.
Job details
Call for Proposals for the Recruitment of Doctoral Research Staff
Closing Date
2025-02-14 23:59 (Europe/Madrid)
The UCAM is characterized by offering students an integral education based on the combination of in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge.