Blue Parrot School is continuously looking for teachers to cover our intensive exam courses. In terms of exact timetable and days, there’s plenty of flexibility, allowing you to do as many or as few as you’d like.
Days: Mondays and Wednesdays, Mondays-Thursdays, and Saturdays and Sundays (9-11 AM) (2 hours each class).
Exams: Aptis (General and advanced), Cambridge, IELTS.
Timetables: 2-hour blocks between 9:00 and 22:00.
Rates: IN-PERSON / hybrid (12 gross on contract, 16 freelance); ONLINE: 11 gross on contract, 14 freelance.
In-person classes will take place at our academy in the Teatinos area.
We’re also looking for a teacher who is interested in doing a 5-hour Business English workshop IN-PERSON. We still don’t have the exact schedule or start date, but in case you have experience and would like to be considered. The classes will focus on common business topics such as: Phone calls, work e-mails, presentations, general and specific sector vocabulary, negotiation skills, etc.
If you’re passionate about teaching and have exam experience, please reach out to us!
Seniority level
* Entry level
Employment type
* Part-time
Job function
* Education and Training
* Industries: Education Management