Offer Description
Grant/funding reference: PID2021-127002NA-I00
Research line / Scientific-technical services: Chemistry of low-dimensional materials
Tasks to be performed
The tasks to be carried out will focus on:
1. Chemical modification of different graphene surfaces.
2. Physicochemical characterization of graphene derivatives.
Duration of the contract
The contract is open-ended, but the project tasks are estimated at 7 months.
1. Stage 1 (4 months): Chemical modification of different graphene surfaces.
2. Stage 2 (3 months): Physicochemical characterization of graphene derivatives.
Research Field: Chemistry
Education Level: Bachelor Degree or equivalent
1. Bachelor's degree, engineering, architecture, diploma, technical architecture or technical engineering.
Selection and assessment criteria
1. Demonstrated experience in organic synthesis, 10 points/year, maximum 40 points.
2. Proven experience in the use of microscopy techniques, thermogravimetric analysis, NMR, spectrometry, 10 points/year, maximum 20 points.
3. Master's degree. 15 points.
4. Personal interview. Maximum 25 points. Minimum score to be awarded the contract, 60 points.
The post may be vacant if there is no candidate with a score of more than 60 points.
A waiting list will be created with those candidates who have reached the minimum score set by the call for applications.
Selection process
Where to apply: UDC online services site. Applications should be addressed to the Office of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transference, and include the call reference.
Deadline: 5 working days from the day following the publication of the call on the official bulletin board of the UDC online services site.
Selection Committee
(minimum 3 members and 3 reserves): Members: Alejandro Criado Fernández (PR-RyC, Presidente), Jesús Mosquera Mosquera (PR-RyC, Secretario), Inmaculada Jénnifer Gómez Pérez (PR-BG). Reserves: Elena Pazos Chantrero (Prof. Contratada), Roberto Javier Brea Fernández (PR-RyC), Vanesa Valdeiglesias (TIT-UN).
Place of publication of results: Official bulletin board of the UDC online services site.
Additional comments
Support documentation:
1. Copy of national identity document.
2. Copy of degree certificate.
3. CV.
*If you are a candidate from abroad Spain, please contact for instructions on how to apply through the official electronic register of the University.
Work Location(s)
Number of offers available: 1
Company/Institute: CICA
Country: Spain
City: A Coruña
Postal Code: 15071