Royal University Institute of European Studies
Organisation / Company: CEU San Pablo University
Department: Faculty of Law
Laboratory: Royal University Institute of European Studies
Is the Hosting related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
USP-CEU welcomes early-stage postdoctoral researchers with an excellent track record to apply to the European Commission Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA-25) Postdoctoral Fellowship or any other R2 research calls, such as: Juan de la Cierva (Spanish Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation) or Atracción Talento (Madrid Regional Government).
Selected candidates will be provided with special assistance for proposal writing and development. Our University has been a beneficiary of 7 MSCA PF since 2017, including one MSCA-PF with an evaluation of 100/100 in 2021.
We currently coordinate a Jean Monnet Network project EU-China: Comparative experiences and contributions to global governance in the fields of climate change, trade, and competition (European Commission). The network includes the Institute of European Studies (Florence), Fudan University, Chinese Academy of Social Science, and others.
RIDEE has an Extraordinary Jean Monnet Chair of European Institutions, held by Ex-Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Prof. Marcelino Oreja, and a current Jean Monnet Chair in Single Market & Competition Law in the Digital and Ecological Transition Era held by Prof. Jerónimo Maillo.
The director of RIDEE and supervisor, Prof. José M. Beneyto, holds a Jean Monnet Chair “ad personam” in Law and European Cultural Identity. He is a Professor of International Public Law, European Law, and International Relations. His main research fields include EU trade and investment agreements, EU-China relations, EU Competition policy and law, and EU Governance.
Research Proposal:
China and the European Union (EU) are important trading partners, with bilateral trade reaching over €586 billion in 2020. However, the economic relationship between China and the EU faces several challenges. In this sense, the MSCA Fellow will collaborate with RIDEE to analyze the future of one of the following challenges:
1. Market Access: The EU has been seeking greater market access to China, especially in sectors such as finance, telecommunications, and transport. The Chinese government has been accused of restricting foreign investment and technology transfers, making it difficult for EU businesses to operate in China.
2. Intellectual Property Rights: Intellectual property rights (IPR) protection is a significant concern for the EU, as many EU businesses accuse Chinese companies of infringing on their IPR. The EU has been urging China to strengthen its IPR laws and enforcement.
3. Level Playing Field: The EU has been seeking a level playing field for its businesses operating in China. The Chinese government has been accused of providing subsidies and other forms of support to domestic companies, putting foreign companies at a disadvantage.
4. Geopolitical Tensions: The growing geopolitical tensions between China and the West, especially the United States, have spilled over into the economic relationship between China and the EU. This has led to concerns about the security of critical infrastructure and the potential for technology transfers that could be used for military purposes.
Application profiles:
* At least 1-2 years of experience in the research field or a similar one.
- A short statement explaining why USP-CEU would be the best host institution for your research.
- Two letters of reference.
For MSCA-PF 25 call, at the deadline for the submission of proposals (TBD) candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activities in Spain or more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the abovementioned deadline.