Teacher of IB Business Management & IB Economics
This school has a school population of 1000+ students. The successful candidate should be able to cater for students with English as an additional language as many of our students speak English as a second or third language. Furthermore, the successful candidate must be open and willing to undertake professional training and have a reflective attitude towards their own practice, striving for excellence in all aspects of their work.
* Degree in Business Management / Economics or related subject plus PGCE or equivalent teaching qualification
* MEd or MA (desirable)
* A minimum of 2 years’ experience of teaching Business Management and Economics in Key Stage 5 / International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in English (desirable but not essential)
* Experience of teaching mixed-ability classes and EAL needs in mainstream classes
* International experience (desirable)
Attitudes and Attributes
* Flexible and adaptable
* Hard working and willing to do extra where required
* Strongly team-motivated
* Able to differentiate effectively for different levels of ability
* Committed to open dialogue with colleagues, pupils and parents
* An ability to adjust to life in Spain
* An interest in learning Spanish (a good level of Spanish is an advantage)
Contract and Benefits
* Full-time permanent contract, with a four-month trial period
* Social Security paid, ensuring state medical cover
* Moving expenses of 1,000 euros gross, paid at the end of September (overseas candidates)
* Travel expenses up to a maximum of 250 euros - receipts required (overseas candidates)
* Assistance given (if required), with finding accommodation, registering with a doctor, official paperwork, opening a bank account
* 190 working days per academic year
* Christmas holidays: 18-20 days
* Easter holidays: 10 days
* Summer holidays: 30th June - 31st August
* Local, national and holidays chosen by the school: 12 days total
* Lunches provided free of charge
* Annual gross salary 36,200€
* Start date 10th January 2022
* Class tutors are paid an extra 1,750€ per annum (gross salary) if this role is undertaken in the future