About Bitget:
Established in 2018, Bitget is a leading cryptocurrency exchange and web3 company serving over 100 million users in 200+ countries and regions.
Bitget is helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and comprehensive trading experience with $20B daily trading volume & 900+ spot trading pairs. Bitget is also the world's largest crypto copy trading platform with 200,000 registered elite traders. The safety and stability of users' assets is secured by a Protection Fund and Reserve, disclosed transparently to the public. With a team of more than 1,700 employees passionate about revolutionizing cryptocurrency trading, Bitget continues to lead the industry and provide innovative solutions.
Bitget Builders Program
Bitget Builders is a global crypto influencer program launched by Bitget, focusing on recruiting three types of builders:
community builders, trading builders, and branding builders. Whether you're skilled at organizing community events, sharing insights on trading platforms, or creating content that drives social media engagement, we'd love to have you join us in building the Bitget ecosystem.
Application requirements
Community builders:
* Have strong experience in community management and organizing both physical events and online activities.
* Be passionate about the cryptocurrency industry and crypto assets.
Trading builders and branding builders:
* Have more than 100 followers on social media or more than 500 members in a social media group or community.
Applicants must have relevant experience in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector.
Responsibilities and perks of a Bitget Builder:
Each builder category comes with its own set of perks. In addition to generous incentives, our builders enjoy unique growth opportunities to maximize their strengths and advance in their fields.
Community builders
Your role:
* Manage Bitget's communities across social media platforms to foster user loyalty.
* Plan and execute online and offline Bitget branding activities and community engagement events.
* Gather user feedback and offer suggestions to improve Bitget's products and marketing.
* Exclusive perks:
* Community management benefits:
Receive Bitget merch and access to online and offline meetups.
* Promotion allowance:
Receive 300-400 USDT rewards per offline meetup organized.
* Platform resources:
Get training in community management and activity planning, along with traffic support from Bitget.
* Quarterly incentives:
Every quarter, five "Diamond Bitget Builders" will be selected based on their community management performance and receive bonus incentives and Bitget merch.
Trading builders
Your role:
* Attract crypto traders to Bitget and assist new users with sign-ups and trades.
* Actively participate in and promote trading promotions on Bitget.
* Share your trading experience to help users learn and improve.
* Exclusive perks:
* High rebate:
Enjoy up to 50% in rebates.
* Promotion incentives:
Receive exclusive incentives for your community.
* Product training:
Get personalized product support and stay up to date with the latest industry insights.
* Quarterly incentives:
Every quarter, five "Diamond Bitget Builders" will be selected based on total trading volume to receive bonus incentives and Bitget merch.
Branding builders
Your role:
* Support Bitget with content creation, visual design, and other relevant areas.
* Promote at least five official Bitget promotions each month.
* Actively champion the Bitget brand and help maintain its image.
* Exclusive perks:
* Publicity incentives:
Earn incentives for completed publicity tasks.
* Content incentives:
Benefit from creating high-quality original content.
* Platform resources:
Access Bitget's market resources and traffic support to grow your influence.
* Quarterly incentives:
Every quarter, five "Diamond Bitget Builders" will be selected based on their contributions to the Bitget brand to receive bonus incentives, traffic support, and Bitget merch.
Benefits for all builders:
* Free tickets:
Receive exclusive invites to Bitget's offline events, either as a privileged guest or an organizer.
* Booster incentives:
Earn significant incentives by engaging in tasks on the Bitget Booster platform.
* Limited-edition gifts:
Top performers will have the chance to receive gifts made exclusively for Bitget Builders.
* Exclusive access:
Enjoy special access to Bitget team members and be invited to Bitget Builders meet-ups with our global builder community.
* Referral opportunities:
Builders who actively contribute to the Bitget ecosystem may gain access to job opportunities at Bitget.
* Growth incentives:
Engage with high-quality projects and organize community promotions to earn bonus incentives based on your performance.
* Beta testers:
Be among the first to test new Bitget products or features during the beta phase.